Visitation & Enforcement
by Ray from Texas
Visitation & Enforcement: My son currently resides in Florida and I live in Texas.
The mother has refused to allow me visitation, although there is a court order in place, due to her insecurity in air travel.
I sent her a certified letter that will require a response by a certain date and she has yet to pick up the letter from the post office.
What can I do and she does not pick up the letter and fail to respond to me by the suggested date?
Answer to Florida Child Visitation Question
Dear Ray,
There is no way to force someone to pick up a certified letter from the post office.
Since there is a court order for visitation in place, you have every right to file a Motion for Contempt to enforce your visitation rights.
You need to have her served with the Motion for Contempt by a sheriff or private process server.
Once she is served, contact the clerk of court to find out how to schedule a court hearing.
At the hearing, if the judge finds that she is in willful contempt, he may order that you be awarded extra visitation time to make-up for the time with your son that she has denied you. Florida family law forms can be found on the Florida Supreme Court's website,
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