Update Name Change for Child Support
by Michelle from Kansas
How long does it take to change your name, if you get married, on a child support case?
I got married October of 2009 and I have sent in the required information to the child support office in which my case is being held.
I am living in Kansas as of 2007. I want to know how long it takes to change the last name on my case.
I mailed the information a few weeks ago and my maiden last name is still on the myfloridacounty.com website.
Answer to Florida Child Support Question
Dear Michelle,
I don't know. Your question may well rank up there with other timeless unanswerable questions such as: How long is a piece of string?
And, how many angels can dance on the head of a pin?
I remarried in 2007, and also have an open child support case, and also changed my last name, and also notified child support enforcement.
I just looked at myfloridacounty.com and it still displays my former husband's last name.
Be happy, and count your blessings if you are receiving your child support, and don't worry about the name. The court system relies on case numbers.
If you're having problems with your bank when depositing a child support check made out to your former name. Provide your bank with a copy of your marriage license and explain that you may receive checks in your former name.
If your child support payments are loaded onto a debit card, it shouldn't matter what name is connected with the card as long as you have the PIN number.
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