Response To Child Custody Papers
by Lisa from Port St Lucie, Florida, St. Lucie County
How do I file a response to a child custody motion? The father of my 8 week old baby served me with papers to establish paternity, visitation and child support.
I do not agree with all that he is asking for in the visitation papers.
How do I write a "response" to the papers. It says I have 20 days to respond.
Answer to Florida Child Custody Question
Dear Lisa,
Yes you have 20 days to respond.
The 20 days begins the day after you were served with the papers; and includes weekends, but not holidays.
I could not find a form that is exactly suited to your situation on the Florida Supreme Court's website,
The closest form I found to your situation is
Form 12.903(c)(1) Answer to Petition and Counterpetition for Dissolution of Marriage with Dependent or Minor Child(ren).
Take a look at that form and use it as a guide to prepare an Answer that fits your situation. There is also an Answer to Supplemental Petition,
Form 12-903(e) that may be used in the same way.
Write the header the same way that he wrote it on his petition. The same court name, case number, parties, etc. You can name your response, Answer or Response to (whatever the name of his document).
In the body of the response, answer each item, number by number. Either affirm; deny; have no knowledge; or affirm in part and deny in part. Give your reasons as clearly as you can.
If he filed a Parenting Plan, Form 12.995(a), my suggestion is that you also file a Parenting Plan.
Let the judge or mediator help you find the middle ground, if you cannot come to an agreement.
Whatever you file with the clerk of court, you must also furnish to him. Make sure you go to the hearing so that you have your say in court.
Notice: We provide these
answers to the general public and our website visitors as a means to further their online legal research. These answers are merely suggestions and should not be regarded as legal advice.

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