Moving Child Support Case From Another State
by Anonymous from Louisiana
I currently live in Louisiana with my children and my ex lives in Florida where we have a child support enforcement case.
Can I petition the court in Florida to move the case to Louisiana so that I don't have to keep running back and forth to Floria every time I have to file contempt papers on the ex for not paying support or following the court order?
Both my kids are in school and one is disabled so this makes it very difficult on me.
Answer to Florida Child Support Question
Dear Anonymous,
It depends. Interstate enforcement of child support cases is governed by the federal law known as, Interstate Uniform Family Support Act (UIFSA).
Jurisdiction for child support cases can be confusing.
My understanding of the jurisdiction is that if your child support order was initiated in Florida, and one of the parties is still in Florida, then jurisdiction for enforcement purposes remains in Florida.
If you were to modify the child support, since you and your children now live in Louisiana, at that point you could transfer your child support case to Louisiana.
I'm assuming that you and your children previously lived in Florida; and you and the children moved to Louisiana sometime after the child support order was entered.
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