Divorce From Overseas
by Pabenson from Beirut, Lebanon
I was married in Florida but live overseas. Can I obtain a divorce without having to return to Florida?
Answer to Florida Divorce Question
Dear Pabenson,
In general, one of you must be a Florida resident in order to file for a Florida divorce.
If you are still a Florida resident, even though not currently residing here, you may be able to file for divorce in Florida.
If your spouse is still a Florida resident, then you can file for a Florida divorce.
In some cases, members of the military stationed overseas may be considered a Florida resident for purposes of a divorce, if they resided in Florida immediately prior to being deployed overseas.
The determination of whether or not you might be considered a Florida resident even though not currently residing in Florida and living overseas is up to the judge's discretion.
If one of you is a Florida resident, you may be able to appear at a final hearing for divorce via telephone.
In order to do this, you must file a Motion to Appear Telephonically, and the other party must not object to it.
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