Child Support When Child Turns 18
by Wayne from Orlando, Florida, Orange County
My divorce papers reads that when the child turns 18 child support terminates.
Do I stop paying at 18 or upon his graduation.
Answer to Florida Child Support Question
Dear Wayne,
If the order states that child support terminates at age 18, then it does.
However, the child's mother may petition to continue child support until age 19, if the child is still enrolled in high school.
This law has changed recently. As of January 2011, child support orders will all terminate at age 18; whether or not the child is still enrolled in high school.
You may need to contact the Florida Department of Revenue (DOR) to let them know that your child has reached the age of majority and request that the support be terminated.
I don't know why this isn't done automatically, but it rarely seems to be automatic.
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