Child Support Scam
by Anonymous from Florida
OK, I've been waiting for my child support since February of 2010! My baby's dad put in the money 2 weeks ago but he has the e-card so he pulls it out for himself.
He has another son that he's mother is raising for him, and that's how he has a card.
I have been paying for day care on my own since I need to work but I'm one month behind and he doesn't care.
He lives in a very very nice Section 8 apartment and lives there with his girlfriend that works in a section 8 apartment (a scam thru and thru).
I have gone to child support to see if they can do something but they won't help because they tell me they have to give him a chance? I have told them of the scam with the card and section 8 and they don't want to hear it as far as they are concerned he's paying!
I keep telling them he's paying himself due to him having the card which he claims the money a few hours after its put in.What a scam! And his mother doesn't care about the money 'cause she claims the boy come tax time. So my question is: How do I go about getting my money to help me with my child's school and food? Please advise me on what my next step should be.
Answer to Florida Child Support Question
Dear Anonymous,
My first question is how does he have your child support debit card?
Can't you just report it as lost or stolen
(since it apparently has been lost or stolen), and get your own card, with a new PIN?
If there is truly fraud going on, I'd report it to the Florida Attorney General's office.
Here is a link to
their site.
You can also contact the Governor's office. You might be surprised how helpful elected officials can be. Citizen Services Hotline: (850) 488-4441
A very helpful article posted the following information:
Call the local child support agency; in most states this is a division of child welfare services.
Explain that you suspect fraud in a child support case and want to know how to report it. You may need to establish a case file at child support services that could lead to appointment of an officer who will audit previous records and investigate the claims and proof you provide.You can read the entire article
And here is contact information for the Office of the Inspector General, Dept. of Health and Human Resources.:
Office of Inspector General
Department of Health and Human ServicesATTN: HOTLINE
PO Box 23489
Washington, DC 20026
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