Child Support Arrears Interest Charges
by Anonymous from Florida
Will I have interest and additional charges added to the amount of Child Support in arrears?
If so, how is that determined? Is FL CSE obligated to (or do they normally) answer any letters from the Non Custodial Parent?
To get these answers should I write FL SDU or the FL DOR in Tallahassee?
Details: I live outside the U.S., calling is very expensive (including Toll Free numbers). IDO went into affect March 2006. A subsequent IDO was added to collect an amount in arrears in March 2008. My child is 18 and graduated.
I realize the current IDO will not change until the amount in arrears is recovered and applied to the Custodial Parent. On Both copies of the IDO(s) I have (obtained from my employer), there is no statement of Inerests' or Court costs.
Answer to Florida Child Support Question
Dear Anonymous,
The US Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) oversees the enforcement and collection of child support between the U.S. and other countries.
You did not mention where you are, so I can't be sure whether that office is responsible for overseeing enforcement and collection, but since you have a U.S. Income Deduction Order in place, it would seem so. Here is their link -
My suggestion is to go the OCSE website and contact them online with your questions or write directly to them.
I think you will receive quicker and more accurate responses than if you contacted the Florida Department of Revenue Child Support Enforcement office directly.
The interest rate on past due child support is determined by the Comptroller each year.
There is no statute of limitations in the state of Florida for child support arrears enforcement.
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