Answer To Summons Florida Supplemental Petition to Modify Child Support
by Maria from Westborough, Massachusettes
I got divorce almost 3 years ago and my ex lives in Florida. He never paid child support and he owes the State of Florida almost 13,000.
Now he went to the court and file a modification on the child support alleging few things that isn't true.
I live in MA with my boys. How should I answer this summons? Should I use FL forms or MA forms?
Answer to Florida Child Support Question
Dear Maria,
In order to answer a Florida child support modification summons, Florida forms would be most appropriate.
You should speak to an attorney in your state to see what your legal options are.
A child support modification summons requires that you answer within 20 days.
Download the Answer to Supplemental Petition,
Form 12.903(e) and follow the instructions.
Talk to the
Florida Clerk of Court office from the county where the Supplemental Petition was filed and ask the for instructions on how to file your answer.
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